The subject of male sexuality has already been partially disclosed in certain articles of this book, but here it is developed more deeply. According to the foreign words dictionary by N.Komlev, sexuality is “a set of psychological reactions, experiences and actions associated with the manifestation of sexual desire”
(1). Let us analyze male sexuality in terms of this definition. In order to do this, we will consider the proposed aspects of sexuality: psychological reactions, experiences and actions.
Male psychological reactions and experiences associated with the manifestation of sexual desire include certain emotions and fantasies. What does make a man feel positive emotions and sexual arousal? Pornography clearly demonstrates: it is domination over woman through “sex”, rapes, violence towards woman (girl), implementation of humiliating sexual actions (filling a woman's mouth with sperm; anal "sex"; blowjob immediately after anal "sex"; penetration of a woman with objects not intended for this, penises of animals, fish, penetration of 5-6 year old girls, etc.) Men's sexual fantasies can be described by countless terabytes of man-made animated pornography that embodies the most vile and sophisticated fantasies that men cannot perform towards women in reality, since they are limited by anatomy and the laws of physics.
The actions of men associated with the manifestation of sexual desire are dominance over a woman through specific sexual acts; in injuring a woman through "sex"; in sexual torture of women; in rapes; in the buying and selling of women and girls for rape; in serial murders of prostituted women, etc. Men are excited by women's pain, women's weakness, women's helplessness.
Men do terrible things that directly describe their sexuality: they create market to sell women’s and girls’ bodies to be raped; film and distribute pornography; mutilate female genital organs; spread female circumcision; early marriages; build brothels; organize mobile brothels for soldiers during wars; soldiers commit mass rapes of women during military operations, etc.
At mental level, sexuality is manifested through socialization
(2). Masculinity is inseparable from dominating a woman through various types of violence, the main of which is sexual. Since masculinity is so fragile, it needs constant reinforcement through sexual activities. Male sexuality has little to do with anatomy, it is based on the need for men to dominate women, which in men is expressed in coitus. Sexual violence gives men erections.
In other words, male sexuality has nothing in common with sex as an act of love. Man cannot love women. Men exist only by suppressing women, because as soon as they stop doing this, they will die, at least metaphorically. Sex for man is a rape, in other words, torture. A man wants to humiliate, beat, torture and mock a woman. This is what male sexuality is about.
Someone would want to object and say that along with the spread of the Internet, a special kind of men has become noticeable. Those men are looking for women who would do to them what men usually do towards women - sexually humiliate them. The existence of such men does not at all deny the existence of the problem, but only proves that for a man, sex is in any case an act of violence, even if the roles are replayed. In the view of a man, either “he is fucking” or “he is being fucked”, and there cannot be a third option.
Traditionally, male sexuality refers to what gives a man an erection. When a woman or girl is raped by a group of men, a man have an erection. Whenever a woman shows pain during sexual practices, men gets a "boner". This is what all pornography is built around. There is nothing secret and mysterious in male sexuality, there is no need to study and analyze it, it is no longer a multifaceted phenomenon associated with physiology and (or) any kind of naturalness. Male sexuality is extremely limited. And it is the eroticization of a woman submission through violence.
Author: Shveia KrovavaiaTranslation: Julia N..Literature:
- Foreign Words Dictionary. - Komlev N., 2006.
- Ogarkova Y. Psychological Conditions of Sexuality.