Projection is the psychological defense mechanism, in which subjective content is transferred to an object, as a result the internal is mistakenly perceived as an external, objective. Men reveal their character while using projections; in phenomena of the surrounding world and their own fantasies they see what they wish to see. This is particularly evident in the cinematography, fiction and computer games. Even describing objective things men prefer to see what they wish to see. A vivid example: lion is the king of beasts and owns a harem. Though we all know that lion has no control oven lionesses, he is almost unable to hunt and as soon as he isn’t able anymore to play the role of jar of sperm another lion takes his place. (Vivid example: cartoon The Lion King. In which lion is somehow the pride’s ruler). Harem is form of women’s prostitution, sexual slavery. Lionesses as any other female animals aren’t sexual slaves of lions or any other males. Men saw what they wanted to see.
Describing the process of conception men confer masculinity even on sperm. As if spermatozoon is some kind of a male intelligent being, storming an ovum. In real life the process of conception looks unattractive for men at all. An ovum is huge compared to a spermatozoon, and this substance doesn’t defend from the little “conqueror”, but rather ingests it for its own purposes. Everything, what catches the eye of men, and everything, what they try to describe, is meant to emphasize this allegedly inborn male supremacy.
Men have already made and keep making thousands of movies about aliens. It’s easy to see the general tendency of their concept: aliens, having depleted the resources of their own planet, invade the Earth to destroy the humanity and to withdraw all welfares. Men have described their own wishes – in presentiment of Earth’s depletion they look for another source of nutrition and are ready to rival other intelligent beings to get them. We should fear not some aliens, for monsters here are not they.
Many of male fears are easy to spot in the cinematography. One of these fears is vengeance. Men understand perfectly well what they do to us, therefore they’re afraid of our retribution. As an example, we can cite the movie I Spit on Your Grave or TV-show Westworld. In the first case a woman violently avenges men’s assault done to her, and in the second example droids, which were killed and raped many times by men, and whose memories were erased every time for men to keep doing it, rebelled and started their vengeance. Movies, which are talking about male impertinences and chastisement for it, are numerous. By the way, in movies about aliens we can also see male fear: what if someone turns to be more ferocious than us and will withdraw our resources?
Male super ideas permeate poetry, literature, and cinematography. One of such ideas is creation of new life. Men envy women and can’t forgive themselves for it. Therefore, many works show how man creates life (for example, humanlike android). In Frankenstein, written by M. Shelly, main character lights up with an idea to create a new life. He collects parts of human bodies from graves, sews them together and then animates his creation, but gets horrified after understanding, what hideous monster he has created. The main character abandons his creature, but after some time the monster gets to him and avenges him violently.
Essentially M. Shelly succeeded in showing male character and male behavior, which are common among all men, the whole male class. Everything, what man can create, obtains traits of a foul monster, and man-creator runs away, denying his responsibility for such “creation”. Prostitution, pornography, sex trafficking – these are creations of men. But man have denied their responsibility for it long ago: they have transferred their gilt on mothers, on girls and women themselves, on situations, but never on any men in any case.
There is one more male super idea – meeting with the god. Attempt to describe the god, emphasize his role, show the unity of the god and men. Bible, holy book, wide range of movies elevate the god. In the patriarchy image of the god is an image of a man. They want to consider themselves god’s representatives on the Earth and masters of his will. With the aid of this idea men actualize the idea of their supremacy over women and justify their atrocities. The idea of the god is mainly a collective male masturbation on themselves.
The takeover over humanity is one more of such super ideas. Some kind of power conquers humanity and jeopardizes its existence (e.g., virus). Such TV-shows as The Strain allow to analyze this idea. Eventually because of series of absurd accidents vampires start to reproduce themselves in human society, they are cunning monsters, wishing to enslave the world. Vampires can imitate human behavior and use make up to blend in with people. And eventually, they were able to enslave the world and organize some kind of the Third Reich. Among victims in the repressive state was propagandized, that they must obey vampires and do everything, what these “superior beings” tell to do. At the end by people’s efforts this regime was overthrown. People, who made this show, consciously or no, but showed perfectly well occurrence of patriarchy, its core and the essence of men themselves. Vampires imitate human behavior the same way men do it. The rule of vampires and their regime came just as suddenly, absurd and out of place as patriarchy, and male patriarchal regime just as vampire’s regime is based on propaganda of higher race – men and lower race – women, who must serve men. Meanwhile a lot of women are sure, that they do everything right. In TV-show vampires depend on human, and in human world men depend on women. The end of vampire’s regime as the end of men’s regime is sorrowful for an enemy and predictable.
Cinematography and literature are the products not only of the patriarchy, but also of the male fantasies about themselves, male nature. Even upon casual inspection of a few movies and novels it can be clearly seen, what exactly are men concerned about most of all.
Author: Shveia Krovavaia
Translator: CocaineEuphoria