The central problem of building a matriarchal society is the problem of creating new lives. Evolutionarily, a man was created in order to serve a woman as an improvised material in the matter of creating a new life, and this is his only biological function. The women of the future will have to develop a way to reproduce without the participation of male donor material.
If in the days of the old matriarchy the life of a man was valued, then after the male rebellion that led to the patriarchy, women should not make the same mistake. Even in the event that a new matriarchal society is built with a minimum number of men used only for the removal of biological material, there are minimal risks of a second rebellion. And the point is not even that men will be able to unite: this can be easily stopped in a variety of ways (for example, using foot binding so that donors can hardly walk, growth restrictions, plant-based nutrition, punitive operations on the genitals, etc.). The fact is that women themselves, as the creators of new lives, eventually will be able to wish to give their sons another chance. Although the probability of this is small, but it is. Moreover, since the victory of the global feminist revolution must be not only final, but also irrevocable, we need to prevent all risks.
The goal of the women scientists building the society of the new matriarchy will be to invent the possibility of completely excluding donors from the process of creating new lives. It will probably not be difficult to do this, because, firstly, the level of development of medicine on the planet is quite high, and secondly, if we throw all the scientific resources into creating a method of reproduction without the participation of donors, and not into building weapons of mass murder, then the chances high. The widespread prevalence of parthenogenesis in the animal world also speaks in favor of the fact that female scientists will quickly cope with the new task. In addition, man plays such a ridiculous role in the existence of mankind that it can certainly be abolished. In addition, the only reason why the existence of the planet, humanity and animals is threatened is a man. We will commit an act of humanity.
In the process of building a matriarchy society, women will still have to use male biological material to create a new life. Before the invention of the method of reproduction without a donor, women will contain a small number of men (from 1% to 3% of the total population of the planet is enough). At the stage of reducing the number of donors to the required number, it is necessary to take care of the stocks of biological material. Sperm can be stored for centuries if the right conditions are created. Thus, women scientists will have plenty of time to conduct the necessary research, experiments and introduce the technology of reproduction without a donor to the public.
All the time, while women have to deal with the remaining donors, it will be necessary to keep them strictly according to the rules: do not give names, instead of numbers, do not teach to read, write, speak, walk, and normalize physical activity so that it only allows the body to produce enough quality biological material. Of course, the regulations should be broader and take into account all the subtleties of the effective maintenance of donors.
The second part of the problem of creating lives in the new matriarchy that the women of the future will have to cope with is the birth of exclusively girls. At the initial stages of building a matriarchy society, it is advisable to use the selection method. This will not affect women more negatively than selective abortions during the patriarchy; however, abortions of boys will benefit women in the future and should be emphasized.
So let us recap. The problem of creating new lives without donation is solved in three stages. The first stage: reducing the number of donors to 1-3% across the planet and in parallel with this, the accumulation of male biological material for centuries to come, selective abortions. The second stage: the maintenance of a small number of donors in the strictest conditions and the work of a team of women scientists. The third stage: the introduction of the development of the reproduction of girls without donors to the masses and the final destruction of donors and the possibility of their reconstruction.
Author: Shveia Krovavaia
Translation: f.sumasbrodskiy