Quite some questions are answered by men themselves without them even realising it. When you listen to men, it becomes apparent the way they really feel toward prostituted women and girls, toward rape and porn.
Men consider prostituted women WHATever they want, not WHOever. One such female body purchaser Alexei shares his thoughts: «Prostitutes are cum dumps. On the one hand, they’re somewhat necessary – after all, I gotta have somewhere to shoot my load when I feel like it. On the other, what an occupation it is! I’ve noticed some women saying things like: I’m so broke I could end up on the streets. Not in a factory, but on the streets. This means, this is in their unconscious. This is their propensity. I go to prostitutes to, pardon my language, shoot my load.» Alexei very much realises women never just wind up doing sex work seeing it as easy money, but justifies himself by saying prostitution is innate to women (that’s why they’re not working in factories) and men need to “shoot their loads”. He doesn’t think about the situation that leads to a woman being prostituted, never considers opting out of buying sex or even just masturbating instead of abusing a woman; what he does think about is his “needs”, or rather “wants”.
Married with kids, Dmitri is confident that «Every now and then, every single man turns into a beast desperate to possess multiple women». Dmitri believes it completely normal to pick and choose women like groceries: «In addition, body shape, breast size, height, services that a prostitute can provide is important, too. The internet is great for finding a girl to your liking for a quick fuck. »
Porn video titles made by men for men’s pleasure speak volumes about their attitudes toward rape and pornography: «Brother watches as father fucks crying sister doggy-style», «Dudes force young woman on the subway taking turns fucking her», «Ripped her pantyhose, groped her all over and gangbanged her on the subway», «Black dude with friend coerce girl into having sex in the hayloft», «Jumped young woman in an alley and fucked her hard», «Paralyzed girl groped and pounded by doctors», «Hobo fucks young woman hard in a dumpster», «Caught terrified freshman girl and fucked her without consent», «Elderly father leads daughter into the woods and forces sex», «Stop it, son, this is wrong! – but he keeps fucking his mother», «Young stepdad fucks and cums in his daughter », «Tied woman cries in pain as she’s getting ass-fucked», «Father jumps his daughter every time mom’s not home», «Niece immediately realises her uncle came to visit for a reason».
Men like when women are vulnerable (inebriated, sick, disabled etc.), enjoy pedophilia and incest, get turned on by a fantasy of violating daughters and mothers. Not only do they not hide it, many of them share nude pictures of their wives and daughters on social media, leaving sleazy comments such as: «Wife for evaluation. How is she? Anon», «I would like to see the coochie too», «Nice bum», « Exchange of wifey pics, write if interested».
The attitude of men towards the rape of girls and women is evidenced by the comments that men and male adolescents leave in the comments to the news about rape: «I was always curious why women let so many people into their cunts. It's crystal clear with the dudes – he’s conquering, he gets what he wants, the hierarchical instinct works. But for a woman it’s lame, when she fucks a lot of guys, it means that she can’t keep her legs closed, she’s an easy lay and stuff, because you decide who gets into your wet nurse, and if a lot get in, questions arise. The fuck’s driving you?»
Under a news report about a girl raped by a group of young men: «So a slut went to drink with a group of boys. And was raped? Maybe she raped them?» «Got the vid!?»; «Admin,I was all ready to have a good rub-off this morning,and here you are without no videos, like my ex who only puts out on holidays»; «Another Shurygina clone. Fucking bitch-ass whoring cunt»; «Between a broad who was fucked 200 times by one dude and a broad who was fucked 200 times by different dudes there is no difference, their cunts are equally “used” or like a damn “bucket”, just a matter of invented so-called principles, stereotypes, a bad habit of prying into other people’s business and trying boss everyone around».
Under a news report about an Indian woman who was raped in an ambulance car, having been baited there with food, are comments from men of the following nature: «The funniest news so far) Now there’s a picture in my head of a woman being lured with a sandwich and a whistle or a pspsps to an ambulance car))))»; «Maybe she liked it the 1st time, so she went with the thought - “well, now I definitely won’t get pregnant!"»; «not her first time falling for food»; «Didn’t have her cake but ate it too», «Called an ambulance,got banged in the ass instead. Business idea: Quick fuck in yo truck»; «Why can't I stop cackling?)»; «Maybe that's what she needed. She was soon helped. Had she been fed first, she wouldn’t have complained, on the contrary, the next day she would have brought her pregnant friends».
Under a news report about the vice-principal of a school in Kamchatka who raped a nine-year-old girl in the classroom: «We require a video footage of this case»; « She herself is to blame. Probably dressed like a whore and provoked him»; «Full vid for my grandpa»; «And then it turns out that the whole class banged her, and it’s just spite and slander towards the teacher?»; «Vids or didn’t happen»; «Ew disgusting! Got the vid?»; «Fucking sick of calling all underage whores victims of rape»; «School of Life. Be ready to be fucked at any moment and by anyone».
Under the news of the horrifying death of a 16-year-old raped girl: «Got myself a moped today. Girlies want a ride?»; «Bitch got served)))»; «Agreed to ride – agreed to sex»; «Well if she put out,then she’d be alive,i think broads should give sex when told to»; «Broads like aggressive men»; «fr, they will repost these stupid quotes for themselves, and then when it comes down to it, just sends some ass and tits pics and then ghosts. So he did everything right, its her fault that she baited him, got on a moped, and then deceived expectations. Feel for him»; «Nice man»; «On the other hand, only the craziest slut with a complete lack of self-preservation, at the age of 16 will agree to ride a moped to some bumfuck, and with a barely known dude who is many years older than herself»; «Any broad will give it to anyone, each just has her price »; «Then y u agreed to ride it,had to understand where it go. Dude now gone lockd up for sum bitch»; «Doesn’t just have sex with anyone? So what, she thought they were going to smell flowers in the woods? What the fuck you mean a 16 year old kid? Fully mature broad. If she put out, she‘d still be alive. I already posted about it here, at what cost sometimes rides with older guys come. Bitches never learn»; «Girl? You meant SLUT».
Statements like this written by our sons, brothers, husbands make up the majority of your usual news discussions on social media like VKontakte. They walk the same streets, ride the subway with us, they are our work colleagues, our “buddies”, schoolmates, classmates. No feminist demonized men, there was never any need. It is quite enough to carefully listen to the things they say out loud, unprompted. Men have long demonized themselves, openly expressing their position on murders, rape of children, women, on prostitution and pornography. They have long admitted that they enjoy raping women; they see nothing wrong with killing and raping children; they fancy elaborate ways of violating women and children; they rape children and women and make videos about it, they post it on the Internet; they believe that every man is entitled to any woman he wants and has the right to kill her if she resists.
If there are men who differ in their views, if, for example, they don’t support prostitution or don’t watch pornography, then they do so silently, without ever doing anything to improve the situation. This doesn’t concern them personally, so why bother? In fact, supposing he does admit the rapist is always at fault, not the victim, he will simply be denounced by fellow men. So why would a man oppose men’s shared opinions? Exactly, he wouldn’t – way too resource-consuming, inconvenient, unbeneficial.
The translator tried her best to preserve/recreate the original spelling and punctuation of the quotes.
Author: Shveia Krovavaia
Translation: Daria S.