The necessity of revolution shouldn't be questioned. This is the first and most significant postulate of the Revolution. Women can regain power only through direct confrontation with the enemy. Probably, direct collisions are not productive at every stage of the Revolution, but it definitely won't do without it. Moreover, many women have already realized that this struggle is a necessity. That's why some radical feminists create women's gangs, go to martial arts, and someone even organizes classes on combat training of women. We should move in this direction. Eventually, the enemy understands only the language of physical force.
Rejection of violence is the right position. Violence always has a negative impact on both sides: on those who will use violence and on those to whom it's directed. However, rejection of violence is useful only in one case, namely when no one attacks. Women should stop turning the other cheek. Violence must be responded to with even more violence, otherwise violence will never stop. And this is the second postulate of the Revolution.
The World Feminist Revolution includes direct clashes with the enemy, but the concept of Revolution is much broader. Our culture, arts, religions, social system, traditions, literature, poetry, mythology, painting are misogynous. In order to build a world in which everything belongs to women, it is necessary not just to overthrow the misogynistic power around the world. It is necessary to destroy almost the entire culture. Of course, some works are called great. For example, some music which was written by Mozart. But we must understand that he and others like him have taken the places of women. Instead, an equally talented woman could become a musician. But he became a musician, and she rotted in the patriarchy. This reason is already enough to destroy male culture, no matter how great it may seem to us at first glance. The need to destroy the patriarchal culture in order to build their own, female is the third postulate of the Revolution.
The Revolution is overthrow and destruction of male power, which is concentrated in legal and illegal men's gangs (for example, the mafia is illegal gang, misogynistic goverments are legal). And this is the fourth postulate of the Revolution.
The World Feminist Revolution is overthrow of the male yoke around the planet and establishment of female power at all levels: religion, arts, medicine, politics, culture, science etc. Politics, economics, social and cultural sphere must belong only to woman, because she creates new lives and she is the foundation of humanity. Only woman can govern and only woman can understand what is real power, love for the world, respect for one's neighbor, the value of any life.
The fifth postulate of Revolution is that the men's power must be destroyed in the whole world.
The sixth postulate is that the women's power must be set at all levels of human's being.
Based on the above postulates, we will define the World Feminist Revolution. WFR is the overthrow of male power and male culture all over the planet and the establishment of female power at all levels of human existence.
Author: Shveia K
Translator: Cherevach D. I.