Webcam business is a developed sector of the economy of the porn industry. Webcaming began to develop actively in the 2000s. An industry is a network of sites where a product is presented: women or the so-called "models" conducting online sessions at any time. Proponents of pornography and prostitution convince people that webcamming is a safe, harmless and easy way to make money. But it's not. Nothing can be harmless that turns a woman into a commodity, sexualizes, objectifies and reduces to the level of a sex object. Something that causes persecution, aggression on the part of men cannot be harmless. They are convinced that a woman is a commodity, at the same time, a sexual commodity, existing to satisfy a “need” in the most sophisticated way.
Women in the cam business are always at risk for revenge porn. Men are sure that the victims of prostitution and (or) pornography are “fallen”, guilty, are not people, they scam men for money, they manipulate. That is why murder is so common among prostituted women in particular. Numerous recordings of cam sessions appear on the Internet as free porn. Therefore, it is impossible to expect anonymity from the webcam business. “Theft” of photos and videos of women from webcams is not punishable by law and is not considered a violation of a woman’s right. Men who buy women's bodies are protected by anonymity. They can behave aggressively, threaten, and require a woman to reproduce certain scenes from pornography.
Webcam sites are pimps. Usually they take from 15 to 35% of "earnings". In addition, sites withdraw part of the “earnings” for “operating expenses”. As a result, a woman from a webcam business can receive from 35% to 75% of "income"
Many webcam women, like prostituted women, were sexually abused as children, which prepared them for webcams. Finding a woman in a webcam does not go unnoticed. The victim faces psychological trauma, is forced to take alcohol or drugs. In particular, because men pay more if a woman is not sober. Men are interested in alcohol because it makes the victim more vulnerable. Women are asked to undress and show men how they masturbate or do something to themselves from any porn scene. At the same time, the men themselves do not show their faces.
Being a woman in the webcam industry is far from voluntary. Sometimes pimps or intermediaries are next to the woman and tell her what to do. They make sure that the woman does not withdraw from drugs and/or alcohol and run away
(1). Not only adult women, but also elderly and underage girls get into webcams. Usually, men demand from women in webcam not light erotica, which can be easily found on the Internet, but the performance of sophisticated practices. The woman has nowhere to go, as the pimp will fine her or fire her. One of the victims says: “Even “nice” clients are tough. “I am paying to you, do as I say. Smile”. They asked to beat me, give me sleeping pills and have sexual intercourse with a sleeping woman, etc. Of course, the clients wanted everything, perversely and for free. I did not allow myself to be pressured, this explains the low earnings ... I regret it. I am constantly afraid that someone will find out about this. I dream of having plastic surgery so that they don’t recognize it from the video”
It is not always possible to leave a business without serious problems. Victims face threats and blackmail, in some cases they have to move to another city, cutting off all social contacts, and many have experienced bullying on social networks
(2). There is always the threat that a video of a woman appears on a porn site, that anonymity is broken.
Liberal feminists who claim that sex gives women emancipation and the opportunity to make good money sometimes cover Webcams. Liberal feminism has not been feminism for a long time because it pursues male goals. Webcam is a screen that hides the horrors that actually happen to women, it is a facade behind which there is a sale of living people, their dehumanization and torture. It would seem that the woman is on the other side of the screen, and the customer, in principle, cannot physically do something with her. But it's not. Both pimps and "clients" always have leverage on a woman. This is violence, threats, blackmail and so on.
Translation: f.sumasbrodskiyAuthor: Shveia KrovavaiaLinks:1. Three dangerous webcam myths. Webcam: the unbearable ease of "earning".